Jason Wise owns and operates the three "For You" websites that are highlighted on this page.
For more information on these websites, please visit this BLOG post and a webpage listing all 57 programs participating in Free Promo Codes For You.
PROMO CODE: VMDExclusiveSolos123
This promo code can be used on both Free Advertising For You (FAFY) and Viral Mailer For You (VMFY). It is redeemable for two solo ads. Be sure to join Free Promo Codes For You (FPCFY) to obtain additional codes for more free advertising on FAFY, VMFY, and 55 other traffic sources.
FAFY and VMFY are top-rated viral mailers. There are both free and paid options. FPCFY, as the name suggests, is a site that provides promotional codes to free members that can be used at 57 different viral mailers and traffic exchanges. Upgraded members receive an additional, significantly more generous promo code redeemable at each participating website.
All three websites are packed with useful information and features. These sites complement one another, so it works best to join all of them and upgrade as you are able.
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Block ads for the websites managed by Jason Wise: